There are many service opportunities at Gilbert Lutheran Church! We also offer Silver Cord Hours to high school students through these programs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the office at 515-233-2421 or
- Backpack Buddies - serves food insecure children of the Gilbert School District
- Prayer Shawl Ministry - knits and crochets shawls to bring comfort to those in need
- TLC from GLC - provides food, transportation, sends cards, and so much more to our Family of Faith
- Service Committee - makes arrangements for food and serving at congregation functions, headed by a monthly chariperson
- Lutheran World Relief - between school kits and quilts, Gilbert Lutheran Church is heavily involved in the msision of LWR.
- Bethany Life Communities - we help provide prayer, financial support, and push wheenchairs on Sundays so those in Bethany Manor can attend Sunday worship.
- Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry - GLC is in partnership with several congregations in the Story City area providing food to those in need. We collect food items continually and help serve in various months.