Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions not covered below, don't hesitate to reach out via phone at 515-233-2421 or via email at!
  • Can I bring my kids?
    • We'd love to have you! We have a number of young families in our congregation. We offer Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. during the school year and have a Children's sermon during the service. There are also activity bags to grab before service with coloring books and age-appropriate activities.

  • How does communion work?
    • We offer communion on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month, every Wednesday, as well as on special services such as Easter and Christmas. We also offer a gluten-free option. We have our First Communion classes when children are in 4th grade. All are welcome to join in this meal with us.

  • What is the ELCA?
    • Gilbert Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Pastor Elizabeth A. Eaton serves as the presiding bishop of the ELCA whose headquarters is in Chicago. For more information about the ELCA and links to other Churchwide ministries, please go to
    • The ELCA is divided into nine regions and 65 synods. GLC is a congregation of the Southeastern Iowa Synod (region five) of the ELCA. Bishop Amy Current serves as the bishop for our synod whose headquarters is located in Iowa City. For more information about the Southeastern Iowa Synod, please go to

  • What should I wear?
    • Some dress more casually, some more formally. We're happy to have you!